Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?

I was browsing through the ads over the weekend and on an item I clicked on, I saw the words "blocked". I have never ever done business with this person before. I did however call him out via private message that he was being very misleading in his ad for something he was selling. He gave me a snarky reply and that was the end of it, I didn’t press further. What do you make of it? I am quite annoyed as I have an impeccable record in the classifieds.
The company that banned me reposted the item in question for sale again with the same misleading print. So much for “it was a mistake”. Lol. 

No, I will not post the company.  I fear repercussions that I may get blacklisted and won't be able to make future purchases here.
@stereo5 .
I wouldn't care if I got blacklisted. Hifi Shark is your friend in these cases.
Thankfully, the internet has balanced the power such dealers try to command.

I concur.
Can you say what was misleading without naming seller or brand? It's hard to form an opinion otherwise.