Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?

I was browsing through the ads over the weekend and on an item I clicked on, I saw the words "blocked". I have never ever done business with this person before. I did however call him out via private message that he was being very misleading in his ad for something he was selling. He gave me a snarky reply and that was the end of it, I didn’t press further. What do you make of it? I am quite annoyed as I have an impeccable record in the classifieds.

No, I will not post the company.  I fear repercussions that I may get blacklisted and won't be able to make future purchases here.
@stereo5 .
I wouldn't care if I got blacklisted. Hifi Shark is your friend in these cases.
Thankfully, the internet has balanced the power such dealers try to command.

I concur.
Can you say what was misleading without naming seller or brand? It's hard to form an opinion otherwise. 
Cannot speak for the OP but one of my "problems" was with a seller who demanded right in his ad that the buyer not only pay his paypal fees but his Audiogon fees as well.

Now paypal fees is a hoary subject with me but Audiogon fees too?
Sorry but that lit my blue touch paper and my message to them was likely not quite as diplomatic as it could have been......

Lol, maybe I deserved my block, maybe not.