Favorite cover?

As a (minor) film buff, I almost invariably prefer originals. But when it comes to audio, I  have found more than a few covers that I prefer to the originals. So, to kick things off, and with all due respect to Boz Scaggs, I absolutely LOVE this live Incognito version of Lowdown:


What's on the top of your lists?
Just played Hot Buttered Soul by Isaac Hayes and I think

WALK ON BY just kills. I used that song on a speaker demo once. Not sure if that was a good idea because I think I would love any speakers playing that song.
A bit off the beaten path, but one of my all-time favorite rock albums is "Projections" by The Blues Project, ca. 1967.  While many of the songs on the album were written by members of the group (especially Al Kooper and Steve Katz, who later were co-founders of Blood, Sweat & Tears) a couple of songs on it are great covers IMO:

"You Can't Catch Me," originally by Chuck Berry.
"Cheryl's Going Home," originally by Bob Lind (as the flip side of "Elusive Butterfly").

Just about every song on "Projections" is terrific, IMO.

-- Al