Standmount speakers. I have $5000.

I'm shopping standmount speakers. I have $5000.  New or pre-owned is fine.


Micromega M100 integrated pre/amp/dac
Syzygy SLF870 sub x2 (12" drivers, 1200w ea, 20-200Hz, room correction)
Dynaudio Stand 4

room = ~5000 cu. ft, 20'x 18' with 13'-17' vaulted ceiling

The new standmounts will replace Nola Boxers v1 ($1500 new in 2013)

I'm lazy about travel to audition anything but might for local options (esp. to vet pre-owned). I'd probly deal with in-home trial.

As semi-arbitrary starting point I'm looking at Salk SS 7M's ($4995 new). Any others I simply must consider?

I do large orchestral from time to time
In that case, check out DeVore speakers as well, they are reasonably priced and offer large enough sound to fill up your room (E&M in Paris 12 had them, prob still does). Another unusual but no less interesting manufacturer is Tekton, offering weird design speakers (with limited Significant-Other appeal!) but huge sound!
Both of the above are easy to drive, the Tekton actually being hi sensitivity; I don’t know your micromega, but on paper, it should be more than adequate!
Tekton Design impact monitors.  Heard them two years ago at Rmaf.  Stunning!  $2k without stands in standard colors.
I own the Legacy Calibres in Natural Cherry; I've not heard a passive
monitor with this kind of Dynamics, orchestral music really comes alive. The AMT tweeter is sweet and very extended. The 8" bass driver (firing up) moves a lot of air in the midbass, something most monitors won't do. High recommended-

Dynaudio Contour 20, they're really really good
No theyre not. wrong. Yes ive heard them