Nakamich Service Info

I live in NJ and looking for somoene who has a good reputation with servicing Nakamichi ZX-7 tapedecks. Driving distance would be preferable, but will ship if I have to.
They emailed me back that they dont work on my tape deck. Looks like I'll be waiting 10 months with William. 
Couple years ago I sent my CR-7A to Willie and the repair price wasn't that bad - around $350 bucks and turn time was less than two - three weeks. Of course YMMV.

The great thing about Willie is that he has many, if not most, of the jigs and fixtures for all the alignment procedures.
Not sure where the 10 months comes from?

On a very recent thread a member had a zx7 turned round by Willie in about 6 weeks.
Willy tuned up my BX-300 and did a stellar job. Lucky for me, I can drive to his house in 20 mins.

I used ESL in CT for my ZX-7 - full rebuild.  8 months and $2100 later.....

Contact with tech following OK for rebuild was beyond terrible.