Maggie owners (past, present, future) what do (did) you love and or dislike about them?

I've always owned dynamic speakers, but I'm ready for something different. I remember about 15 years ago auditioning a pair of Maggie's at a small shop on the Plaza. Don't remember the model but I was astounded by the clarity. Couldn't afford them then, had 2 kids in college. Presently own a pair of Monitor Audio Gold 300's and they're very good speakers, but I've been reminiscing about the clarity of those Maggie's and I want a pair of the 3.7i's. Those of you who have experience with Maggie's let me know your love (hate) relationship with them. My room is 17 x 15 with a sloping ceiling up to 10 feet. Is that enough room for the 3.7i's to perform at their best?
I’m one of ’the 20.7 will be my last speaker’ guys. Moved from 3.5 to the 20 many years ago, which was a huge step up. Going from the 20 to the 20.7 was more subtle, but still worth it. The few minor issues I had with the 20 (ribbon tweeter quite a bit faster than the rest) were solved with the introduction of push pull quasi ribbons for both mid and bass drivers. There’s less need to compensate between drivers, which enables the use of a much simpler crossover. They're now much more ’of one piece’.

Despite these changes they still have low sensitivity, so the need for a lot of power has remained. Think at least 300 watts at 8 ohms, preferably with the ability to double its output at 4 ohms. Smaller models may need less though.

Thanks all for the input. I'm not in the market for a new amp. The one I have now does 400 watts into 4 Ohms. @ jazzman463, thanks for broadening my horizons. Before your post, I'd never heard of OB speakers. I'm liking the price quotes but so far haven't read a lot of reviews. But what I have read, sounds really appealing. Their size and look are also pluses. Will have to do more research. Which model do you have and how is it's sound stage, imaging and timbre of voices and instruments?
Mewsicbuff, your room is perfect for 3.7i's. Maggies are an extremely easy load. They just require a lot of power. I like to see 200 watts/ch.
You should start with them 3 feet from the wall tweeters to the out side and toed in just a little. You measure your triangle from the tweeters.  If the bass seems a little tubby move them out to 4 feet. Dampen the wall right behind the speaker with acoustic foam tiles.
If you require more punch get subwoofers. 
You are going to love these speakers!


Own a set of 1.7i. Drive it with a Pro-ject turntable and differential Emotiva gear. Pros are clarity, sound stage and Dynamics. They sound great even when out of position but it's obvious they are out of position. They really only "sing" when you have them calibrated to about a 3ft w x 6ft h x 1ft d window. They draw monster current and need beefy amps that can handle the draw. They love AB and don't respond well to D. They make a lot of sound but don't really dominate a room. They really need a well-dressed listening room, and need the room to be a bit live and they have to be far away from the rear wall because they are dipoles. They need subs unless you get the gigantic ones, which need even more power.
They're a gimmick but I use them every day as generic living room speakers and they sound amazing. And, when I get some good source in, grab a glass of whiskey and get them "in position," it's a serious treat. Despite their foibles they really are an incredible thing.
I have had Maggie 1.7i’s for a year or two, driving with solid state Bel Canto REF500m monoblocks, 500w @ 4ohm. They go very well together, and the speakers are my favorite that I have ever owned. Accurate and sweet! Looove them.