There is nothing wrong with reaching conclusions by conjecture if that is all there is. Just be aware of how the conclusion was reached.
Being a rebel and not caring is fine too, just don’t expect to get to play by one’s own rules alone and expect your opinions to carry much weight with others.
There may well be something to this Schumann audiophile thing. Music is after all just a bunch of resonances at various frequencies and no doubt it has a psychological effect on people. Why not frequencies that are a part of our natural environment? Who knows?
Question: How do you know that the resonator device is working properly? Everything breaks eventually. Some devices are defective and do not work as they should. Is there some sensor or detector provided to test? How else would you know?
- an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Being a rebel and not caring is fine too, just don’t expect to get to play by one’s own rules alone and expect your opinions to carry much weight with others.
There may well be something to this Schumann audiophile thing. Music is after all just a bunch of resonances at various frequencies and no doubt it has a psychological effect on people. Why not frequencies that are a part of our natural environment? Who knows?
Question: How do you know that the resonator device is working properly? Everything breaks eventually. Some devices are defective and do not work as they should. Is there some sensor or detector provided to test? How else would you know?