Is the MoFI UltraDeck wit the MasterTracker cart the best TT solution @ $2,499?

or what are the other TTs that give it a run for that kind of money?  Rega Planar 6 with an Anya MC?
I haven't heard the Ultradeck, but a lot of reviewers speak highly of it. 
(Even though there was a thread on Steve Hoffman about an effective mass of the tonearm listed at 35G, and how this would essentially limit the choice of compatible cartridges in the future... a little over my head).
Waiting to make a leap of quality from my heavily modded RP1 with too many miles...
I don't know if it's the "best" for that amount, but I have heard one and it sounded great and seemed to be really well made.
I have it, and can't say if it the best at that price, but it make me smile every time I place a record on the platter and make music with it.  Zero regrets.  Zero.  
actually for that money get a refurbished SOTA Sapphire, decent Jelco arm and an Ortofon Black and whale on the Ultradeck....just my buck fifty.....but yes, I have heard the Ultradeck many many hours with a Bronze, and yes it is good....
Best at $2500? That depends on your needs. I demoed the P6, 1200GR, and UD. I could have lived with any of them, but the UltraDeck is what lives in my system now. 

If I was a cartridge swapper, the GR would have been a no-brainer. 
If I was willing to commit to the simplicity of Rega and stick with Rega carts as a "set it and forget it table" then I would have ended up with that one. 
I liked the flexibility of the UD for various carts down the road, and I preferred the sound of the UD vs GR in a demo.