Integrated tube amp under $1000 / $2000

Recently a friend asked me which tube amp he could get used for $1000, I replied that maybe for $2000 he could get something decent but honestly I have no idea what to answer. As a matter of fact I told him for a 1000 he might better get SS than tubes. I have Atmasphere MA-1s myself. 
Can anyone provide some constructive advice of decent tube amps with acceptable quality for $1k (or up to $2k) to drive Klipsch speakers, trying to find out the exact model, I think he has Cornwalls.
Thank you in advance. 

I agree on the Quicksilver .....  great amps, great company....   I am running their Mid Monos with a pair of Heresy III and its a great combo.
You can get a used Rogue Cronus Magnum 100wpc Integrated for around $1500.00 or so ( the first edition).  
If your friend can find one, I highly recommend a Cayin A-88T, first generation (not MK II or MK III).  An audio person I trust told me that if I ever found one, to grab it.  I found one in mint condition for $900.  It's a tank and I love the sound.  One downside, it's a bit difficult to to bias the tubes.
I too recommend the Cayin A-88T, I have the MK II. Biasing the tubes is not very difficult. There are four adjustment screws accessible from the top of the unit with an easy to read meter. After I bought my Luxman integrated, I decided to keep the Cayin, I just couldn't part with it. I plan on switching them out periodically.