So, over on another site they are also discussing Schumann Resonators. One poster suggested a vendor called Kelly Research Technologies that offers two types of units, a "Relax" unit tuned to "Low Alpha Wave (7.83 Hz) Schumann Earth Resonance Frequency" and a "Sleep Tone" unit tuned to "Delta Wave (4.0 Hz)."
One comment in their literature was interesting to this discussion;
I also noticed the units can be powered by a 9v DC power supply connected by a 5.5 mm barrel connector. I may have finally found a use for my unused HD PLEX power supply.
One comment in their literature was interesting to this discussion;
Each unit is design to impact approximately 10 feet (3 meters) in any direction, with greatest effect nearest the unit.Is this common for the other on-line units discussed here? Does the $300 Acoustic Revive unit provide a greater area of influence? Could this limited affected area account for some here not noticing the effects of these units? Would I need four units to cover a 20 x 19 room or would one unit near the listening chair be sufficient?
I also noticed the units can be powered by a 9v DC power supply connected by a 5.5 mm barrel connector. I may have finally found a use for my unused HD PLEX power supply.