Need a speaker for the blues lover...

Hey 'Goners. Currently shopping speakers and am in a quandry of sorts. My listening taste leans towards electric blues followed by classic rock (Tull, Moody Blues etc.), guitar oriented jazz then a smattering of country (Johhny Cash, Willie)or easy listening stuff. I am considering Klipsch RF-52 II, Magnepan MMG or perhaps the new ZU Omen. My budget is up to 1k, but less is ok too as is used. I know the Klipsch and MMG's are 2 different animals but I like the sound of both for different reasons. I have a studio apartment approx. 25'x30'. Amp is a McIntosh MA6200 with a Marantz universal player. Listening area is about 11' feet from the speaker plane. Ideas and thoughts most appreciated.
I have been listening to my Forte IIs, they are not forward or harsh as the word "Klipsch" might suggest. They do need a little breathing room, and admittedly, they are not that attractive being big plain boxes. I would recommend one of the 3way Klipschs or high efficiency "fullrange" single driver offerings from others.
Zu speakers are capable of huge dynamics which is essential for live music reproduction. The Eminance based drivers they use are also found in Marshall, Fender etc...... Which IS what you're listening to when your front row.

Buddy guys guitar bounces out from these speakers like no other that I've heard. ..... Goosebumps everytime
Thanks for all the great advice! I did end up opting for a pair of Klipsch RF-52's as a fender-bender ate into my speaker $$. I hate the new Zu Omen's in mind...
Oh Well.
Beernut, sorry if this is too late. I was waiting for a specific model number from a friend. But if your deal does not go through or you are not satisfied, this could be a fall-back.

A year or two ago this friend built a pair of speakers with components from Parts Express. I would not say they were the cleanest or most refined speakers I've ever heard but what they did was to sound like electric guitar, bass, and organ in a blues club. Whatever limitations or deviations they possessed might show up on symphonic music but for down and dirty blues, it was "you are there". Here is the link -

They were also great with rock and the little jazz I heard on them.
Beernut- the RF-52 was the room friendly newer model I was considering. Listen for a while and give your impressions if you get a chance. Would love to know what you think of them. My Fortes are fun to have, but boy are they big and fugly. I wanted something that I could use with my T-amp. The cheapest "full range" going, 12wpc and "Speaking in Tongues" sounds absolutely awesome. Also, they were much less than any newer models I could find, effectively an old cartridge and a cable from my closet!