Best budget streamer on the market now?

I know there have been lots of threads around this subject but the market moves forward very quickly on this tech so....

Using Google Chromecast Audio right now for my two older systems and while I do not have a problem with the units themselves the control app, BubbleupNp leaves something to be desired constantly crashing on my android phone.
Now maybe someone knows of a better more stable app for starters?

Failing that all I need is the ability to connect wirelessly to my home network ( has to be able to connect to Qobuz!) and be able to send an analog out signal via stereo rca ( my older system integrateds do not have any other options).
No other features required.

Thank you.
The original Node (Square Cube), Node 2 and 2i are basically the same.
Only the Wireless is different.
So, if you can find a Node 1, you can get the same thing, only a different box. and it should be well under $300.
I ended up using a Netgear wireless converter to get my Node 1 to the 5ghz band. Works like a charm.
The Node doesn't use a wall wart.
It may take a while but keep your eyes peeled for a used Auralic Aries Mini they pop up albeit pretty rarely.
Well you know I used to have one of
Oh if only I could keep everything!

But then it would resemble TMR Audio here!
I should add, that I have also listened to Aurender combined with the Ayre Codex, and was very impressed.
But, that would be giving the OP another reason to spend more money.
Like I need an excuse to spend money...lmao

However to clarify, these streamers are just to give me the option to stream Qobuz through my pair of vintage integrateds that only have analog inputs.

My main rig is an Ayre EX8 full tilt super integrated with built in streaming.

So I really need/want to keep the cost factor under control in this instance even if I lose some on features and SQ.