I gre out of Be Tweeters

I was at a bar the other day (well probably yesterday .... hahahah)

In any event, I was discussing how much my taste in beer has changed. I started with lagers, especially Mexican brands. Then I became a Guiness snob, and then I went over to IPAs and Belgian Abbey-style ales. Now while I can tolerate a lager, I can't stand a Belgian white at all. 

What makes me think of this here is tweeters. There was a short period of time when I thought I loved Be tweeters. I've grown completely out of them. I don't particularly like the "affordable" diamond tweeters either. I'm done.

What about you? Is there a technology you liked  earlier in this hobby and now have turned completely against?
I have a pair of Focal 1008 BE monitors that I've paired with my ARC VSI55 and my Peachtree Nova 300 integrateds, and I've been very happy with both combinations.  I started out with (and still have many) Klipsch speakers, so to me the BE tweeters are pretty easy to listen to, especially with the Peachtree, which is just slightly rolled off on top compared to my other gear.  I might get tired of them eventually, that seems to happen with much of my gear.
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If things keep heading in the current directions, I could consider dumping amplifiers altogether at some point in favor of active speakers with all the goodies built in, but only if the cost of replacement when something goes wrong is not too high.

My first tally in that area is the pair of very impressive for the size and cost Vanatoo Transparent One Encore speakers I recently put in my wife’s very acoustically challenged sun-room. They sound really good in there (as they have when I have heard them at shows past) and easy as pie to set up.

I’ll probably continue with passive speakers for the foreseeable future unless maybe Ohm Acoustics comes up with an affordable pair of powered Walshes with all the goodies baked in like the Vanatoos.

I can't think of any audio technology I've fully turned against, but in reaching for something:   Electrostatic speakers.
Loved the Quad 63s I had for a while, and I've heard tons of other electrostatics (and hybrids), and in almost all cases they became a no-go technology for me.  I could never be satisfied once that "ghostly" un-dynamic aspect of the sound became apparent to me.
I really enjoy listening to electrostatics when the opportunity presents itself.   But I'd never buy one at this point.

With One Big Exception:   The ESL 57s.   Those are the only electrostatic I'd love to own (but as an additional speaker, not my central listening speaker).
i gave up on the etch a sketch.....

and truth be told trying to get all 4 ESL and decca ribbons to work together.....let alone the Hartley subs...
the big Infinity had similar issues with woofer tower placement..argh...