Rok, for obvious reasons often I do not take you very serious, in fact, as younger population would say, I find that some of your posts are quite 'sick', in a funny way.
Than,I've read the last one, about 'war' and it left me perplexed, to say at least.
I do not believe that calling that statement childlish or cynical would change your 'opinion' and certainly this is not the place for such exchange of words.
I can only guess that you probably have not seen much of war from first hand, otherwise you might have very diferent opinion.
Again, do not want to sound too pathetic, but people who live in these parts of the world had an 'opportunity' to witness it, some more, some less, and I can assure you, it does not look like in the movies at all....
warning, next link is qiute of many, ugly, faces of war....