The triad for life is heat, age and ripple.
Compared to what, a stove? A blender? A car?
For consumer electronics I think it's the other way around. What piece of consumer electronics are you not going to fully replace in 10 years or less? Your PC, Phone, networking and TV gear has an average home life of 5 years, don't you think? We're going the other way, we're trying to keep gear running long after the product has ceased production.
Do Audiophiles "accept" the fact that their gear might not be as long lived as more commercial products?
Compared to what, a stove? A blender? A car?
For consumer electronics I think it's the other way around. What piece of consumer electronics are you not going to fully replace in 10 years or less? Your PC, Phone, networking and TV gear has an average home life of 5 years, don't you think? We're going the other way, we're trying to keep gear running long after the product has ceased production.