DC offset most certainly can and does exist on AC lines. And it can definitely cause or exacerbate mechanical transformer hum/buzz on both tube and SS amps. I have personally witnessed even an inexpensive Emotiva CMX-2 reduce mechanical hum/buzz. I have also observed DC offset effects reduced using an Isotek EVO3 Synchro Uni.
Also, while I suspect it's really rare for tubes to buzz it has happened to me once. On a Cary SLI-80 the rectifier tubes were buzzing and it was 100% fixed by replacing those rectifier tubes. I've never witnessed any other tubes buzz. Most tube noise sounds like tuning in a staticky AM radio station.
Also, while I suspect it's really rare for tubes to buzz it has happened to me once. On a Cary SLI-80 the rectifier tubes were buzzing and it was 100% fixed by replacing those rectifier tubes. I've never witnessed any other tubes buzz. Most tube noise sounds like tuning in a staticky AM radio station.