Paypal error. Can't pay for the item I just purchased!

Hello everyone!

I just purchased an item on Audiogon, went to my cart, pay now, clicked on paypal, a paypal box opens and closes very quickly. Then I am presented with the following:

Something went wrong. Please contact PayPal if you have any questions. Error: /v2/checkout/orders returned status: 422 (Corr ID: cc4ebeb688f96, cc4ebeb688f96)

First, I have been trying to contact them....I have not got far.

Second, I made changes to my settings to Chrome browser to allow for pop ups, flash, and verified cookies were enabled.

Third, I tried using E explorer. Each time, same error!

Lastly, I went direct to paypal website, logged in just fine, searched for any settings that may prohibit related actions, didn't see any.  Hmmmm.....

I googled the error, it seems like maybe an internal deal between Audigon and paypal? maybe?

@garthb309. It was on the sellers side, it was something he needed to fix.  Once he fixed it, everything went fine. 
See the link above to uberwaltz 's thread on this issue.Basically PayPal requires all sellers on this site to change their personal accounts to business accounts.PayPal didn't bother to inform anyone.It's causing a lot of frustration.
I sent money thru the goods/services option a couple of days ago to somebody for an amplifier I found on another site and received an email from PP that the transaction is pending upon further review. PP said govt regulations calls for them to review certain transaction and it could take 3 days to go thru the process.  Never had this happen before
If you have a Paypal merchant ID, do you still need to change to a business account on Paypal?  What is the reason, if so?
Tammy explains all if you go to the thread uberwaltz linked at the beginning of this thread.PayPal now requires a merchant ID/business account for all sellers.If the seller doesn't have an ID# the sale won't go through.
Ask PayPal for the reason.