Vandersteen 2WQ Subs and ARC Power amp

Just purchased a pair of 2WQ subs in very good condition.  However, the variable crossovers that came with them were single ended, so elsewhere I purchased the fixed balanced versions, marked with "150K".  The seller assured me that was the proper value for my ARC REF 150, which has an input impedance of 300K.

I have very little, if any, output from the subs when I use these crossovers.  Do I have the wrong values for this amp?
Ag insider logo xs@2xscottwsmith
Were you using their spikes or the gliders under the Vandy spikes?
I was using the spikes under my 5A's as Vandersteen recommended.   I then put Herbies gizmos under the spikes as recommended by Herbie himself, but it definately was a very big step backward.
scott - the amplifiers are Vandersteen high  Pass 7, he make a less expensive HPA-5 now also, both sound excellent IMO and are purpose designed to work well with Vandersteen powered bass, an “ unfair advantage” as Richard puts it....