Just how big is our foot print?

Hey everyone,
I always treat this forum as kind of a fun place to learn and share with others, which is otherwise not that relevant.

I mean, it's a good place to get ideas of gear to listen to, and how to hook things up, but I never imagine that there are those who feel their income depends on what gets discussed here. Lately I've gotten several signals that there are dealers and those with financial interests who come to these forums to generate buzz and revenue at a scale which matters to them personally.

In a thread about speaker design there was a comment that  "this blogger says things you never read about in professional reviews." That's what I like about this space. We aren't limited by the need to make an advertiser happy.

I mean, sometimes it's pretty obvious, with sales of $20K doo hickeys which seem like total snake oil, but other times I see people getting seriously offended over my not being overwhelmed by a piece of gear they promote, and these people stay pouty for years after.

I'm going to have to step back and think about how I use this new found power I didn't know I had.

Constructive ideas welcome. Should I just start my own blog space?

I think your threads are interesting.But they do give off a subtle negitive vibe often which results in some members feeling defensive.Maybe talking about what you like on your new tv show would be a good thing:-)
Audiogon should set up a area for users to start blogs . There are so many users that could give great input on all things audio . 
Our footprint is only as big as the level of thought that goes into creating it. Wit, of a high brow nature, goes a long way to adding to the mix. Those successful enough to gather a following should start a blog and expand on their thoughts and musings.

If you got it, flaunt it. 👍

All the best,
Hello Erik,

     I think having a YouTube type section with a blog is a good idea.  Members could start their own channels presenting videos on subjects they're knowledgeable of or just passionate about with blogs attached for questions, comments and discussions.  I already have some ideas about members and possible channels:

1. Members noble100, millercarbon, audiokinesis, clio09 and James Romeyn's channel could be titled: In-Room Bass Response: Achieve a Grade A By Using a 4-Sub DBA.

2. Member erik_squires channel could be titled: Audio Knowledge and Philosophies I Did Acquires By Erik Squires.

3.  Member atmasphere's channel could be: Amplifier Design Attributes for Dummies and Synergistically Matching Amps with Speakers. 

4.  Member georgehifi's channel could be: Class D Blows Until It's Perfected, Period!

     I'm sure you guys and gals have some other good suggestions.
