Amps I Like

Hi Everyone,
At the suggestion of an A'goner who suggested I list out things I like, as opposed to things I don't, I'm going to do that here.

Some caveats apply: This is my personal taste. The buyer should use their own tastes to determine what is good or not.

Also, I've not listened to gear long enough, or as much as I'd like. This list is not only short, but I'm going to put ++ symbols next to an amp to note how much time I've actually had to listen to them.

Sadly for me, I am not a professional reviewer, and I feel very guilty asking dealers to let me listen to gear I have no intention of buying. Please take this as one personal list of experiences, not my attempt to rate equipment for all time.

I am struck by the hilarity of trying to write a completely positive thread, and still having people come in to spoil the fun.

I mean, I can’t write about amps I like. I can’t say "I heard class D amps and I liked them, pretty cool"

What else will cause me to get hen pecked by the peanut gallery?

I mean, let me write a short post on a couple of DACs I heard ... that has GOT to get them all frothy. For heaven's sakes gang, you have all these pretenses of culture and taste and this is what you do for giggles?
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And perhaps karma.. Now tell me.. REALLY ... you have never pissed in someones little quiet spot of enjoyment here???  

I'm sorry, @elizabeth, but you are mistaking divine retribution which I may have gently handed out in pretty little gift bags with some thing else.

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Hell if you do and hell if you don't:-)You were right to suspect you are more important than you think.Remember the EF Hutton commercials?