The best place to listen to music??

This does not necessarily belong in the speaker section but since he uses old Tannoy speakers I thought it might be OK. 

Though I have never been there I think this would get my vote.

That place is awesome.  Sounds like my type of place.  Thanks for sharing.  
“I have never run a bar that has considered what the customer wants,” Fukuyama tells us one evening at his bar. “People often say that the customer is always right, but I’m not confident that’s true."

I'm in!
Yuck, I get sea sick. The bar might be a nice place to hear new music but for LISTENING like determining which cartridge images better? Forget it.
There is also no deep bass. Old Garrard's are great for slip cuing but rumble like express trains regardless of what all those Garrard fans say.
If you put my subwoofer system in there the rattles from all those bottles and glasses would ruin everything. No thanx. As Dorothy says, "There is no place like home." I can also get loaded there just fine.