You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss

So I'm genuinely curious about this, and I'd like your thoughts.

You: Are a current pass owner who has tried a number of other amps and stuck with Pass.

Please discuss your speakers, your pass and what other amps you feel your current set up bested.

I won't opine, but may ask questions to those who are not specific enough.
One thing I've heard a lot is the terms "refined." I don't know what this means, so if you can compare to other amps with more detail, would appreciate that.

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I have a First Watt SIT-3 18 Watt class A box of music magic.  This amp is the reason to get efficient speakers.  

Also, a wonderful Pass Labs XP-15 phono stage.  

There will be more Pass gear in my future.  
I just picked up my FirstWatt J2 today. I’m going to set up tomorrow. My first round with a NP design. Hopefully I’ll be don amp shopping for at least 3 or 4 years. 
I bought a Pass X150.8 blind.  I had a good amp (ATC P1 - also a dual-mono).  The reason I bought it was that Pass have a good reputation and the price was right.  It has downsides - very heavy, takes a long time to warm up, and runs hot.  Soundwise it has a bit of warmth and that suits my taste.  It drives my speakers (Magico A3) with control and the net results are (1) I have easy enjoyment of music (2) the combination does all the audiophile things, eg soundstage.  Finally I am happy with its looks - just a little bling with the power meter.  Would I ever upgrade? No* because to upgrade it would cost too much and if I had that sort of dosh I would rather upgrade my speakers.  Comparison:  The ATC P1 uses a module (also mosfets) that are used in professional Active Monitors around the world.  A very solid customer indeed and a steal at the price.  The Pass is similar sounding but has a bit of something extra - hard to put my finger on it but perhaps a bit more authority / control over the speakers.  It has a little higher class A bias.   *Never say never so if something fell into my lap at the right price I might go for it.
No sense in arguing, Pass Labs has set a benchmark on build quality and sound quality for solid state amps. Short signal path, high quality parts and excellent engineering makes for a superb listening experience. Properly set up they will be tough to beat. However there other designs that can compete and if you are a tube guy it's possible they will not serve your needs. However some of the Conrad Johnson solid state amps, not all will easily give them a run for the money.