Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...."

the Muse was about $10k new years ago, I paid $650 for it on Audiogon

What CD player can I buy that will hold its value and not be near worthless in anything more than a few years?

New or used.

I think several of the “troglodytes” decided to get defensive about the CD format in general. The OP question was if there was a transport that would hold its value, or potentially a vintage transport that would be highly regarded and appreciate from original MSRP. The answer to that is, as best I can tell, and overwhelming no. It’s not about your personal opinions on CDs. These are facts about the way capitalism works. Lots of used transports and tech gets old fast leaving a glut of used high end players due to upgrading and moving away from a declining format. 
@millercabon what exactly are you on about? The Rega Saturn sells new for $3000 and can buy pristine used ones for like $1000. It’s not even that old.

Well that’s the thing about writing. No matter how crystal clear, always someone seeing mud. Let me see if I can help.

What I am "on about" is: "What CD player can I buy that will hold its value and not be near worthless in anything more than a few years?" For example the $10k going to $650.

That’s what I am on about. Finding a CD player that won’t do that.

The Saturn is the only candidate, so far.

Now in your case I would have to ask, what are you on about? Again, what I am on about is crystal clear. You could even go back and read it. Its still there: "the classic older versions are better than the newer ones."

Now, you may disagree. Like the guy who said they are crap. Fine. Disagree all you want. But follow the logic. If you can. It gets right down to the heart of the matter. Which is, that there might be some exceptions to the rule. Could be sound quality. Could be looks. Could be a combination of things so far not even mentioned.

That’s what I am "on about"- seeing if there are exceptions. Finding the exceptional.

Could you maybe help instead of hinder?

If it's just a transport, I've suggested this for the price on other threads.

Price/looks, it's a winner. Plug in a nice DAC, temporary escape from record madness. I have an older 550C with a Denafrips. Really nice on the cheap!

I gave up on resale values for audio gear. If I have something I no longer want, sell at a price to make the new owner happy, and put something back on my pocket. I move on-too many records to look for in the bins.

     If you're looking fort an older CD player that sounds good, originally sold for $1K but sells used for about $100 and is as cool as a lava lamp, you may want to consider a Sony DVP-S7700.  Check out how the front display moves down prior to the disc tray opening.  Pretty high cool factor, especially with a lava lamp doin its thing nearby:

     You probably won't even need to play anything to impress guests, just open and close the drawer a few times with the remote.  Hours of fun!  I still have mine although it's not used in my system anymore due to only playing DVDs and not playing Blu-rays.

      The Shanling CD-T2000 CD/SACD player is also a well reviewed and amazing looking player:

The Emotiva sounds like another legit, if decidedly mid-fi, example. Oh well, did not specify high end. That would all but guarantee none be found. Mark Levinson, of course. Even the remote is built like a Swiss bank vault. Never heard one I cared for but probably not going to zero any time soon so okay, we are up to three.

Or maybe four. Leave it to Tim to find the Shanling, a CD player so cool looking it might even hold a candle to my record rig. Visually, I mean: big ol’ feet sticking out, three transformers jutting out in full art deco architectural glory, uber cool flip up top loader lid, and a full complement of four TUBES, complete with George Jetson-like tube rings! Crikey! Nothing about how or if they’re holding their value, but sexy enough to maybe not even matter. Astro! Fetch!