If it's just a transport, I've suggested this for the price on other threads.
Price/looks, it's a winner. Plug in a nice DAC, temporary escape from record madness. I have an older 550C with a Denafrips. Really nice on the cheap!
I gave up on resale values for audio gear. If I have something I no longer want, sell at a price to make the new owner happy, and put something back on my pocket. I move on-too many records to look for in the bins.
Price/looks, it's a winner. Plug in a nice DAC, temporary escape from record madness. I have an older 550C with a Denafrips. Really nice on the cheap!
I gave up on resale values for audio gear. If I have something I no longer want, sell at a price to make the new owner happy, and put something back on my pocket. I move on-too many records to look for in the bins.