Need Some Tube Amp Advice

I am looking for advice on a tube amp and preamp setup that isn't outrageously expensive but best bang for the buck.  I have a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls from the 80' and they sound rich and beautiful however I know they can reproduce better results if I get rid of my 100wpc Yamaha solid state amp!  I love jazz and vocal music mainly with some rock and roll mixed in.  I listen to almost exclusively vinyl on either my B&O TX turntable or my Yamaha PX-3 turntable.
As I understand I can customize the tube amp to more of what I prefer but really know nothing.  Please help!
I saw a review of the Luxman EL84 integrated on youtube mentioned above and the fellow said paired w/Forte III's it was the best amp combo he'd heard.  I think the Music Reference RM10 for sale here for a mere 1200 would be great and dead quiet as well.  I also agree w/Ralph a triode push pull less than 50 wpc would be the way to go something like Cary Rocket 88 or SLI-80 or Cayin or....have fun that's going to be a great sounding setup!
Dennis Had Firebottle High Output single ended 12wpc sounds like the way to go!  When are you selling and how much.  Looks like Dennis Had is selling on Ebay.
Another contender is Bob Latino's VTA Dynaco ST-70. 35wpc uses EL34, 6L6, KT-66, 77, or 88's. Sounds fantastic and inexpensive. I've had mine for 10 yrs and am more impressed with it all the time.