The New Luxman SQ-N150 Tube Integrated Amp

Stopped by my dealers store the other day and he just received the new mini Luxman SQ-N150 tube integrated. It's rated at 10 watts at 6 ohms. Just 8 1/2" x 11 3/4" in size. It's easy to put anywhere. It has 4 JJ EL84 pentodes and 2 ECC-83 tubes. The phono stage is solid state it has both MM and MC stages. In the rear you also have 3 RCA inputs. In the front there is a Headphone input. Plus you get some nice meters. The fit and finish is typical Luxman quality. They had it hooked up to a pair of Forte III's. They were streaming music through the matching mini Luxman CD player which has a built in DAC. Sound wise It had a solid bottom. The mids and the top end were detailed but not harsh. They also had a Clearaudio Concept hooked up w/a Hanna MC cart. The phono was very good. The dealer told me he was also going to try it w/the JBL L-100's to see if that would be a good match. I know the major focus on Luxman is their Solid State units but the Tube gear is also top notch.
Pick the right speaker for this integrated and you have an excellent system. Not warm and fuzzy. But excellent clarity, dynamic and non fatiguing presentation. Also the MM/MC solid state phono is excellent.  They had a Clearaudio Concept hooked up to it. A real treat.
I wonder if this is a step up on the SQ-N10, which was the one made in China that replaced the SQ-N100, which was made in Japan.

The SQ-N10(and N100) outputs 12W/channel and used one ECC83 and two ECC82s over the SQ-N150 which just uses two ECC82s and outputs 10W/channel. All use EL84 output tubes. 

I'm sure there has to be more to the newest one besides tube count but even the older ones got nice reviews. Nice find.

All the best,
All Luxman gear is now made in Japan. I never heard the older equipment to compare but this version is excellent. The company has been on a roll lately w/lots of new product coming out. Next month at the Capital Audio Fest Luxman will present their ultimate all tube preamp the CL-1000. cost out of my range just under 20 K. If anyone is going I'd like to hear a report. It also has a built in phono.