To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

Ok, I am gonna try to summarize and wrap up this dangerous and provoking thread. 

The original question that got bent out of shape is " Does bypassing the fuse sound better than even the best fuse, even the Orange? 

The reason for the question was to determine whether the fuse is actually adding some sound quality to the system. Somehow actually enhancing the sound quality versus just being a higher quality "wire" that also has fuse protection. 

The only way to test this theory would to compare/contrast hard-wired versus the best fuse. So I then asked the question had anyone done this and what were their findings?

I received two answers. One, had bypassed with silver wire and then used a "boutique" fuse and found that he liked the fuse sound better. That's one for the fuse actually improving the sound over bypass. The second answer was inconclusive. Someone silver-wired their McIntosh 10 years ago with no problems. But, didn't say whether or not it improved the sound over a Boutique fuse.

We had people chiming in with age-old opinions on both sides of the fence. Some were very concerned for my safety and the safety of others. Thank you for that! 

However, we are still left with the question "Do quality fuses enhance the sound over direct wiring past the fuses"?

So, someones gotta do it! Call me Wacko but unless someone takes the chance to test one's questions where would we be in life? So, after ensuring that my whole house surge protector is functioning, my power strip surge protector also functioning, the batteries in the smoke detector changed, my fire insurance increased to lofty heights, all loved ones evacuated and only casual audiophile friends of which I don't give a whit about their safety that are each equipped with fire extinguishers, I may TEMPORARILY bypass the fuses just to hear whether or not fuses help or hinder the sound. Why Temporarily??? Well what fool would leave a fire hazard like that installed I ask you? My goodness! But. then I suppose to complete the test I will have to pony up to at least some Blue's to hear the difference. 

So far, the new ceramics are still burning in and George could be right? Maybe I should have just left the stock fuses in there? Time will tell!

Unless someone has something constructive to add, I consider this thread to be closed!

Going where No One has Gone Before

So, the big question is, drum roll, are the ceramics in the right direction? 🤡

Just for the record, none of those things including external surge protectors will help  if the missing fuse is needed to do its intended job  while swapped out.   

On the flip side,  device events that cause a fuse to blow do not happen often normally so at least the odds are good of not causing damage.   However the longer the fuse is not in play, the more chance there is of damage occurring.

So with that in mind, have at it if you must.   The best anyone can do is remind people fuses are there for a reason (and its not because of how they "sound")  and no manufacturer if asked  would ever approve of customers replacing fuses with wire.