Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I have used a 18 wpc SET amp with the Lore's with great results. The Lore is a very efficient speaker that works well with very low wattage.
Gpowered is using an 8 wpc SET with great results.
If you have a large room, maybe you'll need the extra wattage. But for a small to medeum sized room they work well with low wattage amps.
HI Rischa,
I used the Lores as have others on this thread with a SET and had phenomenal results. I am now pairing the Pendragons with a Decware Tori and I prefer this combo to a SET in my very large room as I like to listen to more dynamic music.
If you are pairing the Lores in a Small to medium sized room and not listening to complex music, then a SET will work beautifully.
I found the pairing of the Lores with the Mini Torii to be phenomenal in my bedroom. The combination was absolutely out of this world in a small room with any type of music.
As you can see there is no right or wrong answer. They are set friendly but it depends on your preferences and set up more so than the imitation of the speaker.

Not sure this'll work, but I've pulled a bit more together:


another way to do it would be to jump directly to http://parttimeaudiophile.com

Nice write-up. Thanks for spending some time with these. I especially enjoyed the amp comparisons.
Appreciate the feedback. The writeup was the longest I've done yet. ;-)

They're really nice speakers, I will admit that freely, and I had a lot of fun reviewing them!