I'm looking to learn about Air Motion Transformer technology

I'm curious about Wharfedale's use of Air Motion Transformers in their new Elysian line.  See http://www.wharfedale.co.uk/elysian4/

I'm admittedly in the dark about this technology even though other manufacturers have used it.  I'm curious about its use, potential benefits, sound signature, etc.
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Any way you look at it, the transducer on amt is a ribbon that is folded. 
Yeah, if you ignore the shape, material, impedance. flow of current, source of opposing force and radiation pattern, I guess you are right, it’s a ribbon.

Ok the shape of material? AMT is folded. Impedance on  both are quite flat. Flow of current varies by the source of opposing force on both, we call these magnets. Radiation patterns are effected on both by mouth shape, horn load felting etc.  Don't let some cute answer fool you. Heil himself on occasion called his original AMT a ribbon dirivative. I own heil, and mundorf amts as well as fountek ribbons right now.