Please Make Audiogon Cool

I think that there are a lot of experienced and interesting people on this site. Some in retail, some in manufacturing, and probably some really cool artists, scientists and engineers of all sorts of backgrounds.

I want to encourage those of you with something to say, a point of view, a helpful idea to post.

Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group. If you care about the Audiogon community and would like to see it go in a particular direction, then please contribute in the way you feel most comfortable and engaging.


I suspect they must put something in the water down there. Who knows?
"sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

I want to know how anyone can add air conditioning to a website???

I have yet to see any "evidence" or "facts" presented, as least what would qualify as evidence or facts from an engineering / scientific stand point (you know, something that could stand up in court, or a scientific paper
There are thousands and thousands of facts on this forum and if you haven’t found any in your two days here, then it must be deliberate. This isn’t a scientific forum, where studies and facts are presented for peer review. This isn’t a legal forum, where depositions are taken under sworn oath and lawyers file writs and claims. This also isn’t the place to come to for information on how to care for aquarium fish, or how to grow cucumbers. If you’re looking for any of those things, you’re in the wrong place.
I just rejoined yesterday. I have been here before, but left when too busy getting a company off the ground.
As you are so found of saying with a wave of the hand: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
my feelings are not unique. You may want to try being part of the solution instead of bullying.
If you think I’m bullying here, please alert the moderators. Otherwise, quit the claim because, you know: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I’ll just note that in your two days here, the moderators have deleted more of your posts than they have of mine in more than a decade.
Yeah, something’s fishy, alright. 🎣 You’d think we’d remember him. 😳 Most likely scenario is he was sent here by grocery clerks to collect a bill.