Wife trouble

I am having trouble with mine also. What about a swap?
Nothing personal to anyone here, but I really get a kick out of this wife stuff, I’m not frequenting the brass pole lounge, my wife could give a crap as long as the bills are paid.

I told her early-on, married at 45, this is one of my hobbies, end of story.
@oregonpapa .
Not exactly-
It was, ’Now, Take my wife’.

Sorry about your predicament, OP.
Hopefully you two will work together to make it work.
Audio is a hobby, nothing more.
For me, the only way it works is to have a dedicated room (that used to be a spare bedroom).
 The rest of the house is hers. The other spare bedroom she has converted into a crafting room.
Nothing is more important than your marriage. Make it work.
