Slight Hardness on LP's

Hello FriendsI'm very happy with my set up, but on some LP's, and maybe overall, I found the sound, a bit harsh, e.g one some live records, the clapping, of the audience, is not natural!!, but at the same time the Bass, is great!!, my phono stage, and preamp, and monoblocks are all solid stage!!, do you think, maybe to go with a "tube preamp", might solve this!!, or will it spoil the great bass!!, Friends I live down on the far south coast of Australia, my closest Hi-Fi shop is 3 hours drive, from me!!, Is there a tone control, unit out there, or will this, smudge the nice cymbals??Hoping someone out there, can help??, My System is bellow, thanks in advance!!Source: "Once Analog" TT, "Aust" made, mated with the "Wand Tonearm" New Zealand, made, with a Dynavector DV-20X2L low output cartridgePhono Stage: Vacume tube logic made in Switzerland (solid statePre Amp: P.S Audio, and Dac, in one unit!!Mono Blocks: "Channel Islands", which I love!!, they are rated approx 170 WPC per channel, maybe this might be the problem, as the speakers are rated at I think 98 ohms, too much power??, I think they were designed, for fewer watts??I don't know!!, someone told me you can never have too much power, regardless!!Speakers: Zu Soul's MK 2Cables: Telos speaker cables, PAD and Harmonic Tech interconnects, RCA's, from TT, to Phono Stage, RCA's from phono Stage, to Pre Amp, Balanced from pre to "Mono Blocks"Friends, I know, this a long question, but want to get everything right, as we all "Enjoy the Music" !!ManyThanksDavid SpryAustralia

audiorusty - interesting knowledge.

Sometimes they get it right.
Emmylou Harris - Cowgirl´s Prayer track "Thanks to You" has fine handclaps. Her voice unfortunately a little edgy in my opinion. As often with Emmylou. Seems hard to record well.
Thanks, everyone, I have done all of the, above, except, the wood!!My main question is, should I go with my solid-state phono stage??, that has given me a deep bass!!, but a bit bright, overall, not all LP's, Shall I save my phono stage, which I like, and go for a Tube Pre Amp, will I lose bass slam?? coming from the phono stage??Friends
can you help??Many ThanksDavid
You do not need to buy anything.  drrsutliff is correct. The  vertical tracking angle on your arm is not set correctly. Go to they describe exactly what you're referring to and how to solve it-that is by changing the VTA. 
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Thanks, FriendsI will consider your inputs??I said, Tube Pre amp??, with keeping the bass, and timing, and just shaving, a few octaves, at the top!!RegardsDavid