Mounting Triplanar Tonearm to SME 20/2 Turntable

I just got a Triplanar U2 SE tonearm and am wondering how to mount it to my 20/2.  
The arm board I have is for an SME tonearm.  Until now I've had a SME IV mk vi mounted.  
After removing the SME arm I used the TP jig to see approximate location of the three holes.
Two of the holes land on the aluminum of the board and the third one is in the open hole in the center.  
It does not seem likely that I will be able to use the SME arm board for the TP arm.  Unless using only two holes to mount it will be enough???
I've also wondered about using 3M high bond tape to fix the arm to the board.  I use this tape in my profession and find it to be of excellent strength and longevity.  This doesn't mean that it's an acceptable application.  Just curious.    
In searching these forums and internet searches I have not been able to find a TP compatible arm board for use on an SME TT.  
Please share any info you might have.  Thanks!
@millercarbon I can drill two holes and might just do that.  The third hole is not possible since it's in open space.  
I could also have a wooden disk cut to the same size circle as the SME arm board and attach the TP arm to it.  I don't want to detract from the aesthetics of the system, but I suppose I can paint it  black so it blends OK.  
One other thing is I live in St. Paul, which is where Tri-Planar HQ is located.  I've contacted Tri-Mai and he said he can help me set it up.  I would still like to hear other ideas on how to best convert this before I meet with him.  Thanks for your help!
Dear @snackeyp : First than all contact directly to SME asking for advise(help I think they will help you:   or  +44(0) 1903 814321

In the other side you can do it only with those two holes or with the 3M tape but you don’t lost nothing to contact to the manufacturer of your TT.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

This doesn't mean that it's an acceptable application. Just curious.  

Regarding the 3M UHB tape as your aware they make both
quite thin and thicker versions. I also use it often and 
am offen surprised at its applications.  

Take your time. Big mistake everyone makes is thinking they can figure it out or take advice and do that and be done. Which you certainly can do. But you will be missing out. Because this is not rocket science, nor is it even science at all. Or even exact. My arm sits in a hole and seems quite stable and fixed, yet its really just sitting in a hole held in place by its own weight. Probably some wannabee is right now typing away at a post getting ready to flame on me for the impossibility of this sounding any good at all due to the imprecision of the hole slop, inability to ground vibrations, lack of constrained layer damping, or whatever. As if I haven't heard with my own ears how much better it sounds.

Right now is the best time, you can easily experiment with different things as simple as cutting pieces of wood, acrylic, etc and trying them out. Anything from tape to clamp to a screw or two, anything to hold the arm in place long enough to play a little music. You can for that matter even hear the difference between one screw and two, tight or loose, tape or screw, etc. Guarantee it will not take long to hear what's going on, in fact you will be surprised how fast and obvious it is, and it don't have to look pretty or anything. Try it out, be amazed what you learn. One day, few hours, be ahead of 99.9% which is being generous, as I doubt if even 0.1% have done the kinds of things I'm talking about. 
Looking at your table and arm, you could take a hole saw and cut some arm mounting blanks out of different materials- wood, acrylic, aluminum, whatever. Cut a slot and you will be able to swap them out without even having to disconnect the phono leads. Make them all the same thickness so you don't have to mess with VTA. If your local guy can help, ask him if he has some scrap wood or whatever you can try this with. Then when you find what you like best have him make you one sanded all pretty and nice.