How do you rationalize audio upgrades?

Thought this could be a fun topic, especially after a Friday night libation, or two.

I'm going to add a turntable to my audio system. I am listening to different turntables and the amount I consider spending is increasing. $1500 max is now heading towards $2700.

What do you say to yourself to "rationalize" your decision to spend more?

I amortize over time.

I’m similarly aligned with Erik’s thoughts on this, but go one step further.

Learn about audio and figure out how to make changes that are essentially tweaks and cheap.

Ie, beneficial changes that are for the better, sonically... cost very little... and teach one much.

To figure out how to simplify the system and have that sound better. Less (gear in the path) is more (sound quality), in audio.

No, wait! We sell buy equalizers. Yes, that's the ticket...

I don’t "rationalize" my systems upgrades... because... for me... its totally... "irrational."
I'll cast my vote in with @erik_squires ...(Hi!)...

I try to do the improbable with next to nothing.

Next goal:  The Impossible with Nothing.

(....there are those that feel I've already done so with my mental state, but they'll get theirs when I've achieved ultimate control over the physical universe...)

I'll go lie down now......;)
how to convince yourself to spend more? listen to it .see if you notice a difference and if it's worth it.