DIY Phono Loading Plugs Question

Are Radio Shack Resistors  appropriate for making loading plugs?  I've been running my cart  at 47k ohms with good results. However, for the fun of it last night,  I tried my 470 ohm plugs and the sound seemed to have more focus. It took the brightness out of Supertramp "Breakfast In America". which is what I was hoping for. Playing other records I noticed a pleasant sound. Don't know if it was better. But don't think it was worse either. That's when I found the Zyx recommended load of >1000. So I am going to make a plug with these resistors. They are 1/2 watt 5% tolerance. What say you? Get better resistors?
@chakster @pryso  Since mine didn't come with a 47K plug I figured that was the default loading. I have it switched to high gain. Again with no problems. FWIW both my wife and I liked it better without loading. Bigger  soundstage. The 470ohm plug offers a more focused sound which is somewhat alluring. But speakers do a disappearing act with no loading. Much wider and deeper soundstage.

I bought mine from Jay @ Audio Revelations shortly after the shootout with several other phono preamps, most a lot more expensive. Jay picked up that line shortly thereafter. I didn't buy the OB power supply because the cost was more than the benefit which everyone had said was a tradeoff at best. Thanks for your help Gentlemen. Guess I'll call Joe and check on the upgrade & PS.
@artemus_5 you’re right, your internal resistors are 47 000 Ohm, your parallel RCA plug resistors are lower (100 Ohm and 470 Ohm) for MC.

My modified JLTi has internal resistors of 500k Ohm, so i can use 100k Ohm or 47k Ohm with parallel RCA plug resistors for MM. This is the reason why i have RCA plug 47k resistors (you don't need it). 

You can’t use 100k Ohm, your limit is 47k Ohm when the RCA unplugged. Both values are relevant for MM only or for external SUT.

In your situation you can add 1000 Ohm, 10k Ohm or something like that.