Turntable for a Newbie!


I am seeking recommendations for a TT under $1500.00.  What are the best TT’s currently available, new or used in this range. Nothing tedious, a simple plug n play TT after the initial setup will do. 
The goal here is to experience Vinyl and not build extensive library. My prime source of listening still be digital playback. If I like what I hear and able to sustain the ‘routine’ I may look into upgrading my existing TT / Cartridge down the road. 
A google search of best TT’s under $1500 lead me to bunch of Audio-Technica turntables and Marantz TT-15S1. 
The TT will be played through Shindo’s Monbrison preamp which I believe has a decent phonostage. 
Thank you for your suggestions. 

Technics 1500c is probably the best bets out there, proven reliability and long term resale value is also something to consider. 
The 1500C is likely a good value. But it's been on the market for less than a year, so any remarks about its "proven reliability and long term resale value" are really just speculation, however well-informed.
Pro-Ject and Rega have good selection of affordable turntables.You may also consider the entry level of Clearaudio.
Thank you all for suggestions, keep them coming! 

Now that’s what I call a audiophile man cave. Gorgeous system, I bet your system sounds amazing!  I do agree with you in regards to your comment  “shortcomings of lower-end turntables...”


I suggest reliability and resale based on technic's previous record with their past direct drive tables ,that these are based on. I think its safe to say things are going to be that much different with their current models.