Turntable for a Newbie!


I am seeking recommendations for a TT under $1500.00.  What are the best TT’s currently available, new or used in this range. Nothing tedious, a simple plug n play TT after the initial setup will do. 
The goal here is to experience Vinyl and not build extensive library. My prime source of listening still be digital playback. If I like what I hear and able to sustain the ‘routine’ I may look into upgrading my existing TT / Cartridge down the road. 
A google search of best TT’s under $1500 lead me to bunch of Audio-Technica turntables and Marantz TT-15S1. 
The TT will be played through Shindo’s Monbrison preamp which I believe has a decent phonostage. 
Thank you for your suggestions. 

Pro-Ject and Rega have good selection of affordable turntables.You may also consider the entry level of Clearaudio.
Thank you all for suggestions, keep them coming! 

Now that’s what I call a audiophile man cave. Gorgeous system, I bet your system sounds amazing!  I do agree with you in regards to your comment  “shortcomings of lower-end turntables...”


I suggest reliability and resale based on technic's previous record with their past direct drive tables ,that these are based on. I think its safe to say things are going to be that much different with their current models. 
Vpi traveler 2 (discontinued) is a nice option for a TT for under 1k. I prefer over the pioneer plx1000, which is pretty darn nice. I dig the sound of belt driven rigs. If you can spring the for newer technics 1200gr seems to be the table to get under 2k.