Luxman 590axii vs Pass Labs int 60

Anyone had the opportunity to compare these specific amps? Both are "quasi Class A" amps. I auditioned the int 60 and was extremely impressed and even more so when hooked to the MSB ADC V. How does it compare to the Luxman 590axii? They seem to be in direct competition with each other. Which do you like best?
Thanks, Erik. I'd like to hear that 509. If you get a chance to check out the 590, take it. I bought mine used, it looked new, at less than half new retail. The heat is mostly a non-issue, other than the fact that I don't leave it on full time.
I recently purchased the 590axii for my focal 1038be.  I don’t have a direct comparison to INT60.  The 590axii has the warmth and 3d qualities of a tube amp but with the speed and bass response of a top tier solid state amp.  It 30w/per channel of class A.  The loudness button adds a bit of fun to the amp as it adds more bass and highs at low volumes.  Happy to answer any questions.
Liquidity, and ease of performing at both the deepest and highest notes are what got me with my Luxman. 

It would be great if Luxman could release a reference class A amplifier like Accuphase is about to do soon (E-800) . Unfortunately for many of us the Accuphase pricing in US is over the roof. So with Luxman pricing model something like Accuphase E-800 that will retails for 21k would cost several grand less.  
Considering luxman m700u vs Pass 150.8 right now. Any thoughts?
Also if I go the integrated route, 509X vs INT60.