Lewinskih01... used pc under 500.00... Thanks

Quicksilver 90 watt silver monos
Quicksilver LS preamp
Fritz speakers prototype... 2 way monitor with ScanSpeak 5" Illuminator mid/bass & ScanSpeak 9700 tweeter 13H x 71/2W x 12D... Skylan stands in 12x15 room
Kimber KCAG, interconnect
WyWires Blue speaker cable
Musical Fidelity M1 A dac
Theta Pearl transport
50's, 60's be-bop jazz, old rock and blues, movie scores
70 years old... not very music computer savvy
Hey guys.

Certainly no offense taken. I agree an Apple computer is less quirky in operation, but not necessarily better sounding. Not worse sounding either. It all depends on the implementation around the Mac and around the PC. But the OP specifically asked about a PC, meaning Windows in my book. Maybe I misunderstood his need.

BTW, while I haven't tried very many configurations, several folks over at computeraudiophile.com who were long Mac fanboys have moved on to Windows Server 2012 machines with AudioPhil's Optimizer, which is what I run. So I kind of believe PC is superior as of now. I know I'm starting a debate...je!

Note my replies tend to be simple and short regarding computer audio, but I though this time the OP was looking to understand the scene down the road from going laptop vs desktop now. I hope I didn't scare him off. I'm usually telling people to try computer audio out and see if it fits them.

Oh well. :-)
Actually... when I first read it....I was thinking pc meant "power cord" ; ) Regardless... good info!

Hi Tboooe,

The Xonar S/pdif output sounded much better than the stand alone MOBO S/pdif. I didn’t have the KingRex UD384 & PSU, and Unaimous UART USB Y-cable on hand when I got the Xonar working to try out the MOBO USB output. My guess would be the Xonar sound card should elevate the sound throughout PC playback regardless which connector is used, USB or S/pdif.

Audiophile USB cards, SoTM, and JCat are all excellent suggestions. For now, those peripheral items will need to wait since I do not own a USB-S/pdif converter. My next move will be installing a dual boot using Window Server 2012 Standard with Audiophile’s Optimizer and adding linear power supply to power SSD & HDD and Xonar Sound Card. Both of these additions will automatically elevate the performance to any peripherals that may be added later.

Hi Lewinskih01,

The Audiophilleo & PSU converter are highly sought after pieces. For the next little while I will be placing my resources on installing WS 2012 and slowly migrate some of the switching power rails with linear power supply. I am undecided to add a USB/Spdif converter or retire the ML combo entirely and get a current DAC with built-in USB and IS2 inputs. Both my ML digital pieces are highly modified. As it stands currently, I like the ML combo sound better than the PC + No. 360 DAC. The PC beats the No.37 transport in many areas. The No. 37 has better in tonal texture; the music has more weight, richness with a more natural sound. I am not saying the PC cannot achieve all those things, it just needs more work.

Best regards,
Norm, what linear power supply are you getting? I need to get a new one since my current one from Keces is the wrong voltage for my new CAPS Zuma server. BTW, I highly recommend the Keces. For around $300 it is a tremendous value!
Hi Lewinskih01,

The Audiophilleo & PSU converter are highly sought after pieces. For the next little while I will be placing my resources on installing WS 2012 and slowly migrate some of the switching power rails with linear power supply. I am undecided to add a USB/Spdif converter or retire the ML combo entirely and get a current DAC with built-in USB and IS2 inputs. Both my ML digital pieces are highly modified. As it stands currently, I like the ML combo sound better than the PC + No. 360 DAC. The PC beats the No.37 transport in many areas. The No. 37 has better in tonal texture; the music has more weight, richness with a more natural sound. I am not saying the PC cannot achieve all those things, it just needs more work.

Best regards,

Hello Norm.

I seem to recall from another thread you are pursuing WS2012 plus AudioPhil's Optimizer. Very good decision, in my experience!

FWIW, I used a lab-grade (not an audiophile grade) linear PSU and liked the effect a lot. Then I tried batteries straight to my OS SSD, to my PPA USB card, and the effect was comparatively marginal.
Based on that limited experience I'm inclined to suggest you tackle the SPDIF converter vs DAC decision before going nuts on power supply. PS will make an effect, but that might be masked by what you have in the chain downstream. And I believe (and underscore it is a belief since I haven't heard it) the mobo SPDIF out cannot be on par with the rest of your system. And also want to underscore it is because it is a mobo SPDIF rather than an aftermarket card as the Juli@ Cerrot highly speaks about. That would be a low cost alternative too, and would allow you to keep your beloved ML DAC. And maybe later you could compare that to a newer DAC.

I never had the quality CD playing components you have, but my PC transport-based system sounds a lot better than my CD front-end did. I think you shouldn't settle for anything but better sound vs what you have now from CD. You are headed the right direction with the server you put together.