Hey guys.
Certainly no offense taken. I agree an Apple computer is less quirky in operation, but not necessarily better sounding. Not worse sounding either. It all depends on the implementation around the Mac and around the PC. But the OP specifically asked about a PC, meaning Windows in my book. Maybe I misunderstood his need.
BTW, while I haven't tried very many configurations, several folks over at computeraudiophile.com who were long Mac fanboys have moved on to Windows Server 2012 machines with AudioPhil's Optimizer, which is what I run. So I kind of believe PC is superior as of now. I know I'm starting a debate...je!
Note my replies tend to be simple and short regarding computer audio, but I though this time the OP was looking to understand the scene down the road from going laptop vs desktop now. I hope I didn't scare him off. I'm usually telling people to try computer audio out and see if it fits them.
Oh well. :-)
Certainly no offense taken. I agree an Apple computer is less quirky in operation, but not necessarily better sounding. Not worse sounding either. It all depends on the implementation around the Mac and around the PC. But the OP specifically asked about a PC, meaning Windows in my book. Maybe I misunderstood his need.
BTW, while I haven't tried very many configurations, several folks over at computeraudiophile.com who were long Mac fanboys have moved on to Windows Server 2012 machines with AudioPhil's Optimizer, which is what I run. So I kind of believe PC is superior as of now. I know I'm starting a debate...je!
Note my replies tend to be simple and short regarding computer audio, but I though this time the OP was looking to understand the scene down the road from going laptop vs desktop now. I hope I didn't scare him off. I'm usually telling people to try computer audio out and see if it fits them.
Oh well. :-)