Cheap cart confession

I'm in the forced audio gear buy mode, since my $2500 retail cart isn't being honored by warranty. No emergency decent cart to use. I was able to purchase it as a "once on a lifetime" dealer buy.

Meanwhile, just for kicks...

Ortofon OM5. It's been in a drawer for years. $50 plasticky,throw away replacing a $2500 machined aluminum body cartridge  that came in an equally attractive, nice smelling wooden box. My table setup/phono pre was $6-7Kish when new?

I'm being reminded by what I hear. If everything AFTER the cart is in reasonable order(synergy?) even a throw away cart will play the magic! It may be veiled,a little mushy and such, but I can still enjoy it more than my  CD deck thru a R2R DAC. It's very clean and precise, but it doesn't have the unexplainable, hold my attention for long quality.

Because my disposable play money is divided into a few thing outside of audio crap, I'm going backward with the next cartridge. I just can't wait and save for something substantial. Thank goodness my ears/brain can accept the horror!

I purchased an already marked down+ additional discount  low end model that I think will perform great(for the price) 

Under $400 Nirvana! Should have it on the table by mid week. 

@tablejockey I have nothing to add other than I read this post last week, :D
I'm confused. The one time $2500 "dealer buy" cartridge needs work and the company will not honor warranty. Will they fix it for a fee? I'm a little confused
Meaning it's beyond warranty=gottta have a replacement. 
Just surprised I like hearing even the least expensive cart enough over the CD's.