active crossover freqncy for Totem Mani2

For people who has experience with using an active crossover for the Totem Mani-2 Signature. What crossover frequencies would be ideal?

The website seems to indicate it's 4Khz and so would a 3.5Khz work better or 5Khz (like the option board for the Accuphase F-25)
I agree that the improvements will be marginal at best. If you have the hardware already, I'd try it. If you don't I would not. I was only trying to come up with a solution to get it done. I have not seen a really high quality Y adapter either. That would add a very weak link.
Good Luck, Tim
Also, just to be thourough, what stands are you using? Can make a big difference, although you were more concerned about amp clipping, sorry.
Agree with last posts, I think you've gone about as far as you can go with your Accuphase. Love it or move to another amp.
Have fun!
Thanks guys. I am extremely happy with my setup right now and will keep it is and continue to love it. Regarding stands I am using four Target T stands filled with lead shots, two speaker spikes each because the speaker is a bit longer in length. I am looking at the Sound Anchor stands, they look very nice.

Bdgregory, a thread that I could gain knowledge from is exactly what I am looking for. Is this the right one you refereed to?

that's the one! I recall others that are useful and worth taking in as well since they all have testimonials, but it's best when there is authoritative contribution like Steve McC provided.