The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.

Who knows, maybe your reputation preceeded you and they woke you up in the middle of the procedure on purpose.
Nope, someone did pretty much call me a communist. Communist, Nazi, it is a common refrain of the intellectually lazy and weak from those at the farther ends of each political spectrum and a term thrown around when they are unable to address arguments so they lazily attempt to dog-pile their followers and adherents.

It is exactly the same as those in audio who use terms such as subjectivist and objectivist as an attempted weapon, usually followed by some other weak and wrong statement. They do it to avoid addressing arguments and to dog-pile.

glupson2,852 posts11-09-2019 6:23pmOh, no, hopefully nobody started mentioning communism. We have been through this before and it would have been an embarrassment for all involved. Had all involved only had a clue what they were writing.

Personally I don’t relish the idea of being put under anesthesia. In fact, after consultation with my doctor I had my first colonoscopy done without anesthesia. I did not (rpt not) do that again.
I have to say that for a person who has aspirations to be a comedian that is one of the saddest things I have heard.  
So I’ve discovered a whole new set of related, but not overlapping, topics:

The Psychology of Stuff.

I got some article about the psychology of watch collecting, and it discussed the idea of identity of the self and what we own. Very interesting topic to look for in your favorite search engine.


Sounds like a form of personification. Funny, how we bond with inanimate objects.