1+ Millercarbon. Darn millercarbon, you are starting to make sense!
All of the top cartridges are using one form of fine line profile or another and I am beginning to think it is more for marketing than anything, another one of those secret sauces. Regardless of the profile a cartridge has to be set up correctly to minimize distortion and record wear particularly overhang, offset and azimuth. I'm one of those people who think VTA is not so critical. A stylus rake angle around 20 degrees is fine. You can only tell a difference at the extremes and every record is different anyway. I saw from 18 to 23 degrees once. It can actually change through the record with modulation generally going lower with higher modulation. A tonearm without a VTA tower is not a deal breaker for me. But to do it right you need one of these, http://www.analogueartisan.com/Reference.html
All of the top cartridges are using one form of fine line profile or another and I am beginning to think it is more for marketing than anything, another one of those secret sauces. Regardless of the profile a cartridge has to be set up correctly to minimize distortion and record wear particularly overhang, offset and azimuth. I'm one of those people who think VTA is not so critical. A stylus rake angle around 20 degrees is fine. You can only tell a difference at the extremes and every record is different anyway. I saw from 18 to 23 degrees once. It can actually change through the record with modulation generally going lower with higher modulation. A tonearm without a VTA tower is not a deal breaker for me. But to do it right you need one of these, http://www.analogueartisan.com/Reference.html