Options besides a computer for streaming


I Have a older MacBook Pro that I have been streaming tidal with thru my Lampizator dac.

it sounds very good but lately my battery want hold a charge and sometimes it want play without trying several times.

 Basically it’s old and I was considering replacing it, but then was thinking since it’s dedicated just for music playback. Perhaps there’s a better choice for similar cost of a new MacBook?

any info appreciated especially from Lampizator owners.

thanks, Scott
I just started another discussion, I also have a Lampizator transport.

still trying to figure it out but it’s supposed to have a modded Logitech squeezebox inside.

with that connected would I still need to connect my dac to my MacBook?
I think an Innuos Zen Mini with LPSU < $ than a Mac. Great as can load all your music on it (either folder or CDs), stream with Tidal or Qobuz, uses Roon (which IMO is awesome) and great quality
It sounds like you already have a streamer in your transport.  I would end the thread here
Node 2i. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should use a computer to stream audio.

Node 2i + NAS is all you need.


That’s what I was thinking, but haven’t been able to get it up and running just yet. 
But the transport has a streamer no need for MacBook?