Seeking input on Larsen speakers

Hi all,
was hoping someone here on the forums might have spent some time with Larsen speakers (the new 9 has some attractive aspects, but it’s hard to find much in the way of reviews online ). 
It seems like the design is pretty polarizing - from what I have seen people either love the resulting sound, or find the design rife with problems. 
If anyone has any first hand experience, I’d love to hear your thoughts and impressions, as I’ve had an interest in Larsens but have never had a chance to hear them. 
Well, they are really crap, cheap drivers, terrible build, look and sound bad. That is what one shopkeep told me to my face. Strange I thought, I have had a pair of Model 4’s for over five years! Guess I was listening to crap all that time!

Seriously though, I did own the smallest model for all that time, the 4. I have only heard it and the next model up, the 6, so I have no opinion on the 8 or 9. What I gather though, is that the models all have the same family sound, just gets a little better and able to drive a larger room as you up the model range.

I loved mine, they work if you want something that goes up against the wall, like hard up to the wall behind them, unobtrusive, sort of an Omni, enveloping sound quality to them. They project a wide open stage with life like image size, and very good bass output for such a small enclosure.

They do like a bit of power, the model 4 that I had worked well in that good 50-wpc range on up. I am not sure you want to drive them with flea watt type stuff. Good solid state, or higher output tube stuff works. They are fairly easy to place in order to get the best from them. Just a simple, real world speaker, easy to live with.

To me, they just sound more like live music, not music hurled at you from a normal front firing monkey coffin. While not everyone will like their looks, or sound for that matter, if you can, give them a listen, preferably in your own home and system. Give your ears a chance to adjust to their presentation, as at first they mat seem distant, or not like anything else you have heard. I enjoyed mine a lot, still recommend them even though I have moved on to Omni Duevel Venus speaker system.

Also, Michael at Audio Skies, the US distributor is easy to work with, great guy. Hope this helps some! Have fun!

I heard a pair briefly at Capital Audiofest last year.   I liked what I heard.   Their somewhat unique thing is they are omni-directional and I believe are designed to go directly up against the rear wall which may be just what the doctor ordered for some.
i heard the flagship at the time ( 3 ish years ago ) at a shop in wine country ( Healdsburg, CA ) and they held up very well against the much more expensive Blades also on offer there..I think if you need an against the wall solution they present a very worthwhile audition 

have fun, enjoy the music.
Hi all,
thanks so much for the feedback! Really helps to hear your thoughts on the design and sound of the larsens - with the 9s they seem to have put some extra effort into build quality and aesthetics - hopefully will run into a pair someday (seems like a speaker that truly has to be heard in person to know if you’ll like it ). 
I listened to either the 8 or 9 at Axpona this year and was very impressed. To be honest I can’t recall the details but they were among the best I heard in a typically poor trade show hotel room environment. If you are interested, seek them out. It’s worth the effort.