b&w 802 n to what speaker

I have been using the b&w 802n for the past 7 years. I generally like the sound but would like a speaker with better bass and highs. I would like to spend around $14,000. My preferences in speaker characteristics, is clarity, dynamics, tonality. I like good imaging but as less concerned with this. I have heard the b&w 802 diamond and like it but are there better alternatives , especially in the used market. There are some used focal jm lab nova utopia be for sales here. Anyone knows how they would compare to b&w 802n? Thanks for any opinions in advance.
My vote is for the Revel Ultima Salon 2. They list for $22,000 and there are three on Audiogon between $11,000 and $13,600. I own a pair and they are excellent.
What do you mean by better bass and better high?

You'll need to be more descriptive of what you don't like about the 802N otherwise it is kinda like shooting in the dark.

What size room and placement do you have and what amp?

Kal Rubinson may be able to help you.
Upgrade your crossover in 802N. I like the 802N more than the Diamond. I like paperpulp woofer better than the rohacell. I like the aluminum tweeter better than the diamond. If you re-do the crossove and use better internal wire better capacitors, inductors, and resistors you will save your self a ton of money and have a better speaker than the 802D or 802Di.
Northcreek used to be the ultimate crossover upgrade when I had my 801 III's but I never liked the idea of extra speaker lead connections. I don't know who offers an upgrade to the 802N's that I also have now but would be interested if a kit upgrade was available. I have been impressed lately by the warmth and involving character of the Harbeth speakers. I don't know why, they remind me of old 70's advents or JBL's but there is some magic there for sure. They also are not a really robust design for reason and therefore hard to justify the cost but they do draw you into the music which I think is the only thing you might possibly gain from the 802N's. I have had my B&W's for 4-5 years to now and can't pull the trigger on replacing them with much else just for the sake of change and they do quite a bit right for sure.
My room is about 25 feet by 20 feet with 8 feet high ceiling. I am using a ayre vlxe amp. Before the b&w 802n ,i was using the b&w 801 series 2. I would not call 802n bass shy, but the old 801 had a deeper more muscular bass. The highs of 802 are not bad but does not seem to be as clean as the 802 diamonds. My cousin is trying to convince me to biamp with active external crossovers. I have no electrical knowledge and this seems to be a fairly expensive upgrade as well (another amp,crossover and cables). I have thought of salons 2 but I read somewhere that they don't work too well with ayre amps.