Nice retro looking amp from Sweden 🇸🇪

Beautiful looking amp from Sweden, 2x50watts.
Swedish magazine said it was like a Lavardin/LFD with the speed of Naim !
Hand built in Sweden.

If you scroll down to the reviews there’s one that was translated and it shows the internal layout:
They say it has that Class A sound with the speed and drive of a Naim and that they hate to give it back.

All the best,
I like the look and the description. I am a Swede and have read about it but it is new and there are not many reviews yet. It is also outside my current budget but I hope it sells well and spreds to other countries. 
I was informed that there will be a more powerful version coming later, but later unfortunately means two-tree years! I am really excited by this amp, only wished it had headphones out also.Â