SACD or not

I have a question regarding SACD format. I am looking to replace my CD player and noticed some CD players have the ability to process SACD and some do not.  I have never heard this format and was wondering if I should consider this in my purchase. My purchase price is in the $1400 range
I know people will question why I am using CD at all. That is another discussion for another time. I still like some physical media in my listening experience. 
I look forward to your comments 
My opinion is that if you don't already have a lot of SACDs, your money would be better spent on a dedicated redbook player or perhaps the Cambridge transport and a nice dac like the Denafrips Aries or something like that.  I have a lot of SACDs and have never found an inherent superiority.  Plus, lower-priced multi players do not, IMO, do as well with Redbook CDs as dedicated players.  

Are you planning to buy SACD’s? If the answer is yes, then you should look into a Marantz SACD/CD player. There are few listings on Audiogon, check them out.

I currently own a Marantz SA-11S2 and both SACD and CD playback is superlative.

I have redbook, DVD-A and SACD. I upgraded my Oppo 105 power supply which went a long way to makes all disc medium sound very good.

BTW: not all SACDs are a lot better sounding, especially when compared to high rez redbook
"...when compared to high rez redbook."

Redbook standard is 16/44.1. What is hi-res Redbook??
I don't listen to SACDs very often.  Some of the ones I have sound worse (some of the Japanese SHM SACDs I have) while some sound great.  I haven't done any back to back comparisons of a SACD and the same CD.  I think it's a nice to have.  I have  a Marantz KI-Pearl and it sounds amazing with both standard CD and SACD, given a good sounding disc to start with. 

I would focus on getting the best sounding and most reliable player you can and if it has SACD capabilities, that's a plus.  If it doesn't, that could be a plus also, you won't go spending a bunch of money on SACD releases, which generally cost more and may or may not sound "better" than a standard CD release of the same album (or a streaming version).