Tannoy VS Dynaudio

I use to laugh at threads like the one I'm creating...how can anybody know better then my own ear?

But I've been listening to a pair of Tannoy DC6 bookshelf speakers (and smaller driver DC4 floor standers) on a small Prima Luna setup at a dealers and I'm blown away every time...

There is just something about those Tannoy concentric drivers that sounds so much more open and 'right' to my ears that when I get home and listen to my DynAudio 52SE's they seem slow...riddled with phase issues and don't image as nicely. The Dynaudio's are more then the Tannoy's (which are made in China). With the Dyn's I would spend hours figuring out placement and even a mm of toe in could change things...the Tannoy's on the other hand require very little screwing around with placement...they're just great at producing a clear image.

Any comments or opinions? I use a SimAudio i-5 integrated currently with a fairly good front end digital source. I will likely arrange for an in-home audition but was hoping for comments before hand.
Another thing, Dyns require beefy but neutral-warm sounding amplification, something like a Pass, Plinius or Odyssey.
Just had my first pair of Tannoys, the 613: a closed, 6-sided cabinet with a dual concentric unit, a a woofer and a similar sized passive woofer. I do like the sound, but just like other Tannoys I've heard, I don't find them to be neutral. They have a distintive sound while (IMHO) experience Dynaudio is the more neutral performer, more depending on the quality of the source/record.

I don't see the problem however: if you prefer the Tannoys, then they are the ones to get.
This may be obvious but don't ignore the room (dealer vs. yours). If you can swing an in-home trial of the Tannoys and maybe the Primaluna too, and it still sounds better, go for both, sell the more expensive stuff and buy more music. Life's too short.
It seems for less money the Tannoy and tube amp combo has evoked a favorable musical/emotional response thats missing with your current system(even though it`s more expensive). You should trust your ears, you`ll be happier.
"Dyns always come to their own when playing loud in a relatively larger room"

Agree whereas the strengths of concentric drivers come more into play in a smaller room at closer listening distance. So room size may well be a key factor in determining better performance with these.

And yes, proper amplification is a must for the Dynaudios to shine.

Even if both are performing optimally, I would not expect tannoys to sound like Dynaudio from what I have read about them, so personal preference for how things should sound will also come into play in a big way here I would expect.