Here’s Tim’s main system ...
Speakers - Newform Research 645’s.
Sub Woofers - Gallo.
CD Player - Consonance - with the stand.
Amps - Unico DM Italian amps.
No pre-amp.
Power supply - Huge unit made in the 1950s that Tim modified.
Cables - All custom built by Tim using the same technology that is in The Gate.
All electronics and the complete interior of the speakers, including crossovers and driver baskets, are completely treated with Total Contact ... plus a Gate in the circuit breaker box and mats galore everywhere. I think Krissy told me that Tim had eighty (80) mats throughout the system.
I can attest to the quality of Tim’s cables. He sent me two power cords that he had built for the show to try out. I had them for three weeks. They were fantastic and much like adding another Gate to the system. I went through a total withdrawal when I returned them. I can only imagine what an entire loop would sound like.
Then there was the second system that he built for the show. For the life of me, I cannot remember the brand of the speakers, but they can be bought at Best Buy for $1000. Tim bought his used at an auction for $165 for the pair. The amp was the new Mac integrated, New Mac CD player and that power supply that Tim had built for the main system. Then with all of the above wires, and the speakers totally tricked out like above too. The idea was to get really great sound from those speakers that almost anyone can afford, and have the system blow everyone’s mind. He even made special room treatments that he told me were absolutely fantastic.
The guy was a genius.